
VCS was and still is a pioneer in video conferencing. Every project is different and every customer has specific needs. Coordinating all necessary components, providing them with a fast and intuitive operation; a straightforward demand from users but less prevalent on the supply side. VCS builds custom-made interfaces for the simplest possible operation, on top of, or in combination with, technology that withstands the UX test.

solution 1


For example, we set up board rooms that meet very high requirements for specific purposes, modular rooms for all kinds of applications and modular spaces that can be operated in any set-up with the same ease as a single room. You can also count on our expertise when it comes to the core of the matter, the purpose of the meeting room: talking to each other. This has consequences for the layout – especially acoustics – and for the choice of techniques. Audio quality is often a grossly underestimated factor. Whether it’s about good old ‘gooseneck’ microphones or sophisticated ceiling microphones, merely being ‘understandable’ is really not enough.

solution 2


Signage, also known as narrowcasting, is a form of internal communication via flat screens with adapted messages. VCS Digital is a highly user-friendly ‘digital signage’ system to manage up to 50 screens. It is already used by a large number of our customers. With VCS Digital you automatically show a clear overview of all important visitors, room reservations and internal announcements. Convenient for your staff, impressive for (potential) customers. Since the emergence of this form of communication, VCS has been deploying it within companies. We have over 10 years of experience in this field and can offer different concepts depending on the needs of the customer.

solution 3


Wayfinding literally means finding your way. With Wayfinding you lead visitors to a specific indoor or outdoor location. VCS has WayFinder in house. This is a digital guide that offers your guests a professional welcome and, at the same time, makes the work of your reception staff easier. Ideal for large organisations to guide their visitors but also their own staff to their destination. Your visitors don’t need to download anything. As a guest, enter your phone number and you will receive a short instruction to get WayFinder on your screen. Then tap on the place you need to be on the map on your smartphone and your route will be indicated, as a GPS does this outdoors. WayFinder also works with full GPS functionality outside of the buildings. WayFinder works on the major smartphone platforms such as iOS, Android and Windows Phone. WayFinder is flexible and can be integrated into Microsoft Outlook.

solution 4


Increasingly, companies and organisations are merely in contact with their target audience digitally. This trend is here to stay. In addition, a growing number of live events is held digitally and video versions are increasingly being produced. Studio Live is a complete solution for companies and organisations, in order to stream certain events, seminars, training videos live on live platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Kaltura, Wowza… Studio Live is best described as a (semi) automatic studio, as a virtual camera crew with a self-timer. Via a user-friendly user interface, you can choose a set-up with settings for camera angles, lighting and audio. Studio Live follows the action and records everything automatically. There is no intervention required. Of course, the tool also offers the possibility to control the recording manually or in mixed mode.

solution 5

work Space Management

For working rooms, VCS goes a few steps further. We link the latest available innovative technology to smart meeting concepts. Rooms with projection surfaces through multiple sources, with facilities for recording and archiving sessions, with a motorized camera that “listens” and thus zooms in on the person speaking. It is among the possibilities. VCS has experience in building ‘multilanguage rooms’ with simultaneous translation and translation booths from which the desired translation is sent to the headphones via infrared receivers. We have built ‘creativity rooms,’ with strategically placed flat screens that divide the group into subgroups; ‘dynamic rooms’ for upright brainstorming on interactive screens…. For different types of meeting environments we work out – possibly through test installations – the ideal concept. Tell us how you want to work together and we will build the solution.

solution 6

Meeting Space Management

VCS also ensures that your meeting rooms and digital communication infrastructure are used optimally. With Meeting Space Management, this is child’s play. We install a ‘Room Reservation System’ for the purpose of central monitoring. You can conveniently manage your infrastructure remotely via a web interface. Bookings, cancellations, changes… Everything is centrally managed with just a few clicks. Visitors and users have access to the Room Reservation System via a touch panel, both at the entrance door and in the meeting room. At the entrance door, they see the current and planned meetings and can create, extend or end a meeting themselves. On the touch panel in the room they have the same functionality but with extra options such as starting the video conference, adjusting the audio… Monitoring and automatic error messages ensure availability and more efficient technical support. Your IT team – or our support department, depending on the level of support you want – will be very pleased